My work depicts the innate darkness of the human psyche through its disturbing internal and external aspects. The show expresses this idea through a macabre aesthetic involving unnerving and horrific themes. An example would be the “Her” series, which reframes reflections of our culture through a raw and painful lens.
"Her" is a series of psychological and distressing artwork that represents uncomfortable mixtures of emotions within oneself and society. These emotions are projected onto "Her": the symbol of one who has these feelings. The stark black and white coloration of these large pen drawings shows the cold disconnect humanity has with their emotions. Each art piece has its own dark interpretive conflict suggested by the demeanor and circumstances of the figure along with the title.
I also have the art piece “The Seven Deadly Sins,” which re-imagines the concepts of human sinfulness from Biblical antecedents and Dante’s Inferno by using angelic and demonic androgynous humanoid figures that represent each sin and combining them into a whole surrealistic piece. I want my viewers to have a visceral reaction to my work and hope they will be enthralled by it. I am mostly inspired by the intensity of feelings evoked by truly great artists like H.R. Giger or Emil Melmoth and I hope to on some level be able to evoke similar emotions with my work.
Loss of Her Self-Control
60x36in Pen on Paper
Asylum of Her Broken Mind
60x36in Pen on Paper
Her Perceived Perfection
60x36in Pen on Paper
Her False Sense of Freedom
60x36in Pen on Paper
Her Never Ending Nightmare
60x36in Pen on PaperThe Seven Deadly Sins
86.5x81in Oil on Canvas